General meeting management

Pursuant to Section 232 (1) of the Act IV of 2006 on business associations the board of directors of a company limited by shares is obliged to convene the general meeting with the frequency specified in the bylaws but at least annually. Extraordinary general meeting can be convened anytime as necessary.
KELER provides the following services to its partners related to the organization of general meetings: 
Preparation for the general meeting 
  • Co-operation with the employees authorized to organize the general meeting during preparing for and at the time of the general meeting. 
  • Wording the part of the general meeting notice on the right of participation at the general meeting. 
  • If required informing shareholders on the general meeting. 

General meeting 
  • Providing registration and voting equipment. 
  • Converting share registry data into the voting system. 
  • Registration of shareholders, that is checking personal identity and authorization of persons representing shareholders. Controlling the voting right of shareholders. 
  • Preparing and making sure the general meeting attendance sheet is completed at the general meeting. 
  • Execution of voting at the general meeting, displaying votes on the monitor located on the presidential table and on the screen or monitors for shareholders. 
  • Providing projector for eventual reports and presentations to be made at the general meeting. 
  • Preparing the ownership structure. 
  • Managing share registry data in historic order, that is making sure that data can be retrieved and share registry changes can be monitored. 
  • Mailing to shareholders. 
  • Providing client services. 

Please contact us if you are interested in our services: 